Part Three

story concept: LAREINE
photos by: Hideaki Imamoto
written by: Fuzuki Watanabe
translated by: Bronny
also visit her excellent Plastic Tree site monophobia


Lillie felt something, and froze. Even under ordinary circumstances this time of day had a strange mood about it. At any time encounters were not uncommon - it was possible she might be attacked by a beast hungry for blood.

Just as wild ideas caused her body to tremble, it appeared.

"You're Lillie?"

It spoke in a voice unlike the one she thought she heard earlier. Without thinking she took a step back.

"Ne~, are you Lillie Charlotte?"

Right before her was the owner of the voice, neither human nor wild animal. It had things which were like wings and a tail, which flickered, but it was unlike any animal that Lillie knew. The fact that the enquiring voice was heard in her mind rather than her ears was also unusual.

For the time being, Lillie was relieved that it didn't bare its teeth or claws, so she answered.

"Yes, I am. I'm her, but..."

"Ok. Well, let's have some answers. Which is more valuable; love or dreams?"

This strange and abrupt question caused Lillie to feel even more lost.

"Wait, what are you? You appear suddenly, without even telling me your name...... It's incredibly impolite."

"The impolite one is you. Just what exactly do you think you've been looking for?"

Lillie had no recollection of looking for this creature at all, but cleverly realised that it was trying to ascertain something about her. For that was the duty of the fairy that would lead her to the Lake of Reminiscence.

She didn't have time to argue with it. Lillie answered hurriedly.

"Love is a dream, and dreams are love. Both are fleeting, like our minds and bodies, but to only have one, there is no meaning at all."

She honestly thought so...

"Well then, you're just doing things with no meaning. Do you intend to live with only your mind and love? What about your dreams? And what is going to happen to your body?"


The words that the fairy left stabbed her straight in the heart. She remembered many times being criticized for her beliefs, but her resolve had been firmly set. Now while walking she thought about this, and when it all began to worry her she'd stop, and once these 'new thoughts', which could be thought of either as reality or an explanation for it had been found, once more she'd go on walking. Lillie repeated this series of actions over and over.




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