Kamijo Presents "Tanbi Meshimase"
March 13, 2005
Meguro Rock May Kan


This was an event live with multiple bands: D'AIR, Couple D'Ange, Izabel Varosa, Sugar Forkfull, and "Tanbi Konoe-tai". All except "Tanbi Konoe-tai" were known to be regular bands; and as that means "Aesthetics Guard Corps" it was assumed by the Fleur that this group would have something to do with Lareine, possibly Lareine, possibly a session band with Kamijo and members from the other bands. Tanbi Konoe-tai was the last band and all the Lareine fans crowded close to the stage.

The curtains opened to show not just Kamijo, but LAREINE. All in black. Mayu and Kazumi in military uniforms. Emiru in a black loli dress. Kamijo wore "Metamorphose" with the mask seen in the old Shoxx spread and the long curled extensions he's been wearing all spring. Unfortunately for my live report (^^;), that costume was a terrible distraction for me as I cosplay that image myself and want to make mine as accurate as possible, so I made a study of the hem details which are impossible to see clearly in photos and videos. (If anyone else wants to make this costume and would like to know the layout of the hem appliques, just e-mail me!)

They opened with a new song. It's really heavy, a headbanger, and very sexy! The rhythm is sexy, the melody is sexy, and the lyrics are sexy. I'm looking forward to hearing it on CD and at many more concerts. ^_^

Other songs... "Solitude", "Vampire Romance", "Trailer", "Je t'aime", "Romantic Season". I think that was it. It was an event concert so they didn't play a long set. "Solitude" and "Je t'aime" are great live songs and frequently included in Lareine setlists, and on this night were performed well as usual. "Romantic Season" is a winter song and has been included in concerts all winter... It was New Sodmy who recorded it, but Kamijo actually wrote it as a Lareine song and performed it at the Liquid Room live which was his last Lareine performance before joining New Sodmy.

Kamijo got close to the fans a lot. He does that at Rock May Kan where there isn't a gap. He took fans' hands toward the beginning of the show and there was a fun little pile of Fleur tumbling at him.

He kept getting stuck to the left-side speaker, trapped by part of the costume hem sticking to the grill, trying to YANK it free. This was painful to watch. >_< "Meta" is a magnificent costume and even people who haven't spent months replicating it don't want to see it damaged. It kinda reminded me of a beautiful wild animal stuck in a trap, biting its pretty leg to get free, heedless of the scars. >____< Every time it happened, the fans in the front row would quickly lean forward desperately trying to untangle the costume before impatient Kamijo could YANK it so badly it would tear. That poor costume... >_<;

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